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Which libraries are using ISO and non-SHAREit software?

[ISO Partners] Some libraries partner with or participate in the Illume system using alternate non-SHAREit ILL software like Relais or VDX.

  • Libraries using ISO configured software should have 7 to 10 days as their Days to Respond as the software can not send a "Will Supply/In Process" message to hold a request from Pending. Instead requests move directly from Lender > Pending to Shipped or Will not Supply. Additional recommendations coming soon in Best Practices for ISO Libraries (upcoming).
  • Public libraries requesting from Partner libraries may incur charges depending on consortial lending agreements. Fee-based libraries can be blocked from being automatically added as Lenders. More information available from our guide here:
  • Please note that articles cannot be attached via Desktop Delivery either as they are only available within SHAREit. Email Non-returnable articles directly instead to the libraries below.
  • Sometimes "Shipped" messages sent by ISO libraries, such as via the Relais software, may go missing in-transit which can result in duplicate items arriving or a request going to Unfilled or Retry even though you receive the item. More information in our FAQ here:

Libraries set-up for ISO communications with SHAREit include:
